Independent Community TV, Victoria, BC


After this page the rest of this site is hosted on a very censor resistant site that has greater resilience to actions of the global cabal and fiends to take the truth off line.

Apparently some virus checking/malware software does not like people using ipfs and will block access. They will have to get with the program as even the Telco etc fervently obedient Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) who consider themselves the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. is a supported of the use of ipfs as this IEEE Article notes

The links below will take you to an ipfs site. Some browser especially older not current ones may need an addin added to the browser, also some malware virus checker apps label an ipfs site as restricted access etc; there is nothing I can do about that -you will need to modify your browser virusmalware to be current with IT terchnology as it is today.

In simple terms because of the censorship and false official narratives that have been spewed over the last couple of years, we will need to get used to a new internet. It will require a change in how we understand and use the net. It may feel harsh to say but, “Get used to it”, the new normal is and will be far different than the old normal we were comfortable. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and their fiends of the global cabal intend to make the transition as difficult as possible.